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Our School

What We Believe


The mission of Catawba Ridge High School is to unleash the talent of each student to become college and career ready and reach the heights of their potential.


H = Do it with all of your HEART

Y = Do it YEAR after year.

Be The WHY embodies our commitment to create an inclusive, engaging, and thriving learning community where student development is the center of our mission. Communication is a key component to help us realize our vision and mission.


We believe each student possesses the ability to learn.

We believe each student deserves a safe and supportive learning environment.

We believe communication among parents, faculty, staff, students and members of the community is essential and all are responsible for student success.

We believe each student can maximize learning through career-based educational opportunities integrated with business, government, and the community at large.

We believe in providing students with a relevant, challenging program of study.

We believe it is essential to use student achievement data and program evaluations to ensure continuous improvement.


Catawba Ridge High School’s guiding expectation is that students should always “Do Right”. Students are expected to “Do Right” in their classes, “Do Right” in their interactions with adults and other students, and “Do Right” in their conduct at school, school events, and in the community.