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For addition information, contact Mr. Butler or Mr. Shives, or visit our band website.

Course Offerings
Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 - CP
Grades 9-12
Prerequisite: Audition by the instructors
Band 1-7 is a progression of courses in instrumental music. This includes marching band and wind symphony. It allows students who play instruments, the performance opportunity of marching. Students will attend summer rehearsals, band camp and other rehearsals as scheduled. Much emphasis is placed on rehearsals and contests as an extension of the class requirement.

Band 6 Honors and Band 8 Honors
Grades 11-12
Prerequisite: Audition by instructors
This course is a performing band for students in grades 11 and 12 only at a first year college level of proficiency. This course provides performance opportunities and requirements at the college level. Much emphasis is placed on rehearsals, concerts, and competitions during and after schools days as an extension of the class requirement. Students must participate in small ensembles, solos, concerts, festivals, all-region bands, and all-state bands. Student must select a topic and complete a music history portfolio approved by the instructor. Students must have their own instruments or contract with the individual high school for a school instrument if one is available. These classes meet all of the requirements set forth by the state department of South Carolina for honors courses. 

Marching Band with Physical Education Standards - CP
Grades 9-12
Prerequisite: Audition by the instructors
Marching Band (with physical education waiver option) is a course that will incorporate the Physical Education standards into the Marching Band curriculum. In addition to all marching band course requirements, students in this course will have to complete a pre and post Fitness gram (or equivalent), a Personal Fitness Plan (PFP), and additional course work aligned to the SC Physical Education Standards to be eligible to receive the Physical Education Credit.